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Source Vital 

algae + plant extracts + essentials oils = source vitál
holistic products of integrity for the skin, body, mind & spirit

Dedicated to connecting you to the Earth's source of healing therapies, Source Vitál reaches to the very core of nature to harvest natural elements from the ocean and earth. Applying the highest quality algae powders, seaweed, plant extracts and pure essential oils to extraordinary skin care, body care, nutrion and natural remedy formulas. 

Source Vitál brings you anti-aging with every product we formulate. How can Source Vitál help you? A holistic philosophy addresses the body as a whole and the interdependence of its parts.  By following this holistic approach, the body is able to fully recognize and make use of each product's ingredients.  Through this approach, Source Vitál's natural products are:


Not Animal Tested

Each product is blended to perfection so you see and feel results quickly.

The information on this page is NOT intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. This information is NOT a substitute for professional medical treatment or consultation. It is always recomended to consult your medical professional if you are pregnant, epileptic, have cancer or liver issues or any other serious illness. The information provided on this website is compiled from common knowledge and is intended for your general knowledge only and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 

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